Contoh Sequence Of Service |di restaurant



1.         Greeting the Guest

                        Good Afternoon, Sir/Madam. Welcome to Le Monarch Restaurant.

                        Greeting warmly and smile please


2.         Escorting the Guest to the table

Do you have any reservation? my I have your name please? yours table is ready mr/mrs, please follow me sir/mam,,( Let me escort you to your table follow me please )

Allow me to escort you to your table, please.

if no reservation,may I know how many person of you sir or madam (guest name)?

would you like smoking or no smoking area? we have a nice table for you, close by the window with a beautiful view, follow me please mr/mrs

this is your table sir,,this is ok for you sir?

3.         Helping the Guest seat/Seating the Guest

May I help you with your chair? There you go.

Let me help you with your chair.

Sit down please.

Note: Seating the guest from the left side chair


4.         Unfolding Napkin /Draping the napkin from the right side of the Guest

Your napkin, please or excuse my rich sir/mam

let me help you with your napkin/ my I help you with your napkin Mr. john


        Pouring ice water, excuse me sir would you like have ice water or excuse me sir ice water please..

        Serving B&B, from the left side of guest, excuse me sir would you like have some bread sir?

                        For today we have white bread and brown bread which  one do you like sir?


5.         Presenting the Menu from the right side of the Guest

Here’s our menu this evening,

Make sure the menu is clean and right, give the menu for the ladies or kids first, when presenting give it from right side with the gentle ways and recommending menu

Food recommend is special food suggestion to the guest



Good afternoon ladies and gentle man, my I have your attention please!

welcome to my table or station, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Eddy

I will be your Waiter/Waitress for this afternoon and my assistance His name is made, we work together as a team to provide excellence service. Any drinks or food that would you like to order please let us know we are very pleasant to assist you.

If you have any allergic or dietary restriction do not hesitate to let us know.

For today we have nice menu and I would like to recommend for starter/appetizer we have hot and crispy Indonesian vegetable spring roll serve with sweet sour sauce, than for soup we have tom yum gum is spicy Thai soup with prawn, fish and mushroom, For salad we have César salad is crunchy Romaine lettuce with creamy classic César dressing  serve with slice grilled chicken, anchovy and crouton. and for main course we have Indonesian fried rice serve with chicken sate with peanut sauce, fried chicken, egg, pickle, and shrimp crackers   its really delicious sir/mam you may try

And for dessert we have kolak pisang, is stew banana in palm sugar with coconut milk its sweet and nice flavor, good serve with cup of coffee

Thank you very much for your kind of attention, please have a look the menu I/we will right back to take your order. take your time please and thank you very much

7.         Taking order

May I take your order now?

have you decided what would you like to have for tonight?

would you like to order now?

remember always repeating the order, if you not sure what the guest order better you ask again than you serving wrong order.

Take order from ladies or kid first, use order pad/captain order, write clearly, repeat the order to the guest , and delivery guest order to the kitchen as soon as the waiter/ss finished in taking order.

Adjusting cover or silver ware according the meals that the guest ordered by waiter, Remember adjusting doing not olnly after main course or before desert but every course/ before serving food every single course, while waiting asst.waiter picking up food to the kitchen,


8.         Serving the food / Delivery guest order

(from Appetizer, Soup, Salad, and Main Course accordingly from the right side of the Guest with the Ladies first)

please enjoy your appetizer, soup, salad, and meal

how was everything sir? everything up to your liking?

how is the chicken or food? is there anything else i can get it for you?

please enjoy your meal

Always make sure guest satisfaction and guest need after serving food, than guest having the food you may ask the guest not after the guest finish with their food


Clearing up, keep on eye with table maintain ,more ice water, offer some more drink, wine, even food.

have you done sir? can I take your plate sir? may I take yours plate?

always ask for permission before clearing up

when you doing clearing up, always check or adjusting silver ware depend on what the guest order, for example: guest order steak  adjust steak knife or fish with fish fork and knife, spaghetti with extra dinner spoon, fried rice extra dinner spoon etc.

   clearing up main course, remove salt and pepper, B&B, glasses  if they don't want some more drink ,except water goblet

 crumbing down from the left side of guest than re-set up dessert ,you may adjusting if you needed.

 serving dessert.

  9.         Offering some dessert, coffee, tea, or after-dinner drink

Would you like to have some dessert or coffee, etc.?

would you like to have some coffee or tea with your dessert ?

before serving coffee or tea put sugar and cream either milk first on the table


10.         Presenting the bill and thank the guest for their time dining at our restaurant

Here’s your bill and we thank you very much for coming to our Restaurant. We hope to have a chance to serve you again soon.


would you like me to put your bill together or sever age ?

here's your bill and thank you very much for coming to our restaurant, we wish our service exceed your expectation, we are looking forward to serving you again. thank you very much and have a beautiful day


 How do you fare well to the guest ? Thanks to the guest, giving a wish, saying you expecting them to come again and assist them intents and detail


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